
Rupal Asodaria: On a Verge to Create a Difference

Rupal Asodaria | Inventor & Founder | NursElet | Business Magazine | CIOLook

It takes strong determination and courage to come up with a new venture that might and have created a dent in the universe. An innovative personality understands the requirement of a betterment in societies as well as markets, and offers a unique products to rely on. One such leader standing tall is Rupal AsodariaInventor & Founder of NursElet.

CIO LOOK admire such avid leaders and appreciate their contribution in evolving the tech and business sectors. And feels pride to feature Rupal in its special issue, entitled “Women in Tech, 2019”.

Here is her story:

It took lot of sleepless nights, tons of hard work, patience, trial and errors, failures, achievements, and frustrations. In the end, determination got her to where she’s now and she is so proud of it. She comes from an entrepreneurial family, and she believes that the real experience of watching her family hustling and making it happen helped her to stay positive and move forward. Also, leadership is the skill that one can learn along the way with right attitude and environment. Every day is a learning day. By discipline, she is a software engineer. She did her Masters of Science in New York City. Before becoming an official entrepreneur, she was working for one High Tech IT company in San Francisco. However, she truly believes that nothing fails in life, she used all life learning lessons to start e-commerce business without any prior knowledge in this industry. She is confident that the knowledge and experiences which she gained will definitely inspire someone to try new things to pursue their dreams.

They say necessity is the mother of invention and it truly was in her case. ®The NursElet Nursing Bracelet idea was born from her real-life challenges. She is a huge advocate of breastfeeding and when she was feeding her second child a little over 3 years ago, she noticed that she started developing back pain and neck strain because of improper posture while trying to keep her shirt from falling onto the baby. As a mother of two little boys, she knew there was a demand for her innovative product NursElet in the market.

After receiving amazing response from all around the world on ®NursElet , the company streamlined its process and also expanded its product selections to offer some more must have baby essentials to their clients to simplify the early and the most important years of parenting. After all, parenting is the journey, not the destination.

“You own your own story and none can better tell than yourself,” says Rupal. Major benefit to own your story is that nobody can steal it! It’s your asset. She suggests that one must make sure to tell his/her story effectively. She believes, people just don’t buy products but they invest in you, your story, and your brand. For her, customer service is number one top priority since the beginning. Community support is very important to grow all together. Her mantra these days, take one step at a time and keep your eyes on your prize. Finding your tribe and making a connection with those who can understand your ideas and your vision makes you powerful.

Women, inherently, are deeply powerful – but to realize their full power , they need to master independence. Self-confidence is the best accessory that any woman can wear. Rupal believes that every woman has a great stamina and flexibility to bounce back from various situations including failures. She also believes generally, women have a special ability to manage tasks efficiently even under stressful situations.

To run a business itself is challenging. It’s very hard to define just one big obstacle as whenever an obstacle (small or big) comes, it feels like it’s the biggest but once you get used to it, it’s easy to understand and react to it. There’s a solution for everything if you look hard enough! When you’re starting something new, you’ll hit the roadblocks and challenges. However there are many resources available to help you navigate those challenges. She thinks those challenges and road blocks make one powerful. Working with corporate culture requires great responsibility, management skills. It teaches a lifelong lesson of relationship as well.

When she received her very first BIG order in the beginning, it was blessings as well as a biggest challenge she had never felt before. Thoughtful planning and proper management helped her to narrow down her tasks. With her family support, she overcame from the biggest challenge she believed she had ones and delivered her order on time. She learned that the challenge was disguised blessings and taught her to have better manufacturing planning for efficient delivery system. So glad that early on, she learned this important lesson.

In addition, Rupal states, merit should be based on talent, effort, and achievement, rather than factors such as heredity or wealth, sexuality, gender, age or race. Meritocracy is an ideal one should continue to strive for.

In today’s technology arena, it’s possible for anyone to express their point of view, wisdom or knowledge with right tool and education system. This system can develop equal opportunities for under privileged individuals who were otherwise left behind. This is so exciting news for entire eco-system.

When technology is changing so quickly, one must need to try and adopt new changes to stay in the game. You don’t need to be a perfectionist but progressing towards your goal is important. Adopt new habits and work on yourself every day, the best master piece you can own. Always be vigilant to your surroundings and never afraid to learn new things. Slowly but surely, you’ll get there.

She would say no success is overnight success. It takes a great amount of persistence and efforts to make it possible. She has been working on some secret projects for a while. She can’t wait to share when time arrives.

URL: NursElet.com

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