
Leading Healthcare Service Provider, Vezeeta, Raises $40 Million

Leading Healthcare Service Provider, Vezeeta, Raises $40 Million (1)

Vezeeta, an Egyptian online medical care scheduling service provider has raised worth $40 million Series D funding round in order to roll out new products in several regional markets. The newly raised round has been led by Gulf Capital, an UAE-based investor along with the existing investors of the company that is including Endeavour Catalyst, Silicon Badia, Crescent Enterprises’ CE-Ventures, BECO Capital, Vostok New Ventures. It also includes Saudi Technology Ventures, a Riyadh-based investor who led one of the Vezeeta’s previous round in September 2018 in Series C funding.

According to Vezeeta, it has raised a total fund worth of $63 million till date including the new round. The company has included Alvaro Abella in its board of directors who currently serving as the Director at Gulf Capital with this funding round. The company is also planning to launch online pharmacy and tele-health services as its new products in its existing and new aimed markets.

Amir Barsoum, the Founder and CEO of Vezeeta states, “Gulf Capital provides us the perfect synergy for our future plans to diversify and expand our product portfolio on a global scale.

As per the records, it is one of the largest funding rounds raised by any tech start-up across Africa and Middle East till now. Vezeeta is such a platform which has enabled the patients to select the appropriate healthcare provider for themselves by observing the Uber-style ratings. It also allows patients to book, rate and review the healthcare providers as per their experiences which helps the providers in improvising their services.

The CEO includes, “Leveraging our technology, we have helped patients tap into the power of choice, and the power of information, to access the kind of healthcare that our users deserve.

The Senior Principal of Saudi Technology Ventures, Ahmad Al Naimi states, “The progress the company has achieved since our investment, especially in Saudi, is incredible. We are thrilled to double down on our position and to welcome Gulf Capital to the table.

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