
Latam Cargo Announces Daily Flights Between South America And Europe To Provide Greater Capacity To Its Customers

Latam Cargo
  • To mitigate the effects caused by the reduction in belly capacity due to COVID-19, the company has quickly made changes to its itinerary in order to meet the transportation needs of its customers
  • Since the start of the global pandemic, the company has increased its frequencies on this route by 40%, reaching daily coverage

April, 2020 – In order to face the effects that COVID-19 has generated in the airline industry, which have caused the cancellation of passenger flights internationally and, thus, the restriction of the belly supply, the LATAM Cargo Group has implemented adjustments in its operation at a global level. With this, the company seeks to maximize the use of its cargo fleet and increase capacity to reduce the impact on its customers.

On this occasion, the LATAM Cargo Group announced adjustments to its international itinerary to strengthen its supply between South America and Europe. Specifically, the company added a seventh weekly frequency in its operation, totaling a 40% increase in its offer compared to the period prior to the pandemic.

“The dramatic reduction of passenger operations has significantly impacted the range of air transportation options available to our clients. This is particularly significant for clients that relied on the frequency and lower cost of belly capacity. In order to support all supply chains, and very specifically those dealing with aid and relief, we are focusing on adding more capacity on critical routes. Providing a daily flight between Europe and Latin America is tangible proof of this commitment”, commented Andrés Bianchi, CEO of the LATAM Cargo Group.

With the new itinerary, Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, is now positioned as the main point of entry to the European continent. This benefits exporters of perishables from Latin America, including products coming from Chile, Peru, Guatemala and Brazil, although the route is available to all interested.

The return route will originate in Frankfurt, Germany. Medical equipment and supplies, electronics, auto parts, general cargo and other types of shipments will be exported from Frankfurt to South America. Additionally, LATAM Cargo Group diversified its point of entry to the region by incorporating the airport of Guarulhos, Brazil, for three of its weekly frequencies. This way, the company provides a solution to clients who, prior to the pandemic, operated in bellies to this airport.

Itinerary to and from North America is also optimized

The LATAM Cargo Group has also implemented adjustments in its offer between North and South America to satisfy customers in these markets. The company recently reported a 15% increase in its offer from Miami to South America, going from 23 to 26 weekly frequencies. It also incorporated connecting freighter flights in Guarulhos to offer an alternative to clients who, prior to the pandemic, operated in bellies.

The company also strengthened its presence in America by adding to its network the cities of Los Angeles, United States, and Mexico City, Mexico, as destinations for cargo flights to and from South America.

Additionally, in order to provide a robust solution to Chilean salmon exporters, LATAM Cargo Group quintupled its offer from Santiago to Miami, reaching 31 weekly frequencies.

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