
JOSEPH CHAN – An Exemplary Leader in the FinTech Revolution

JOSEPH CHAN - An Exemplary Leader in the FinTech Revolution

Money is dear to everyone be it the receiver or payer. Any technology that helps quicken the process of monetary transactions while keeping things absolutely safe and secure at both the ends is a service everyone wants, be they individuals or businesses, irrespective of what they do.


The Asia Pay Group of Hong Kong which came about at the turn of the millennium, aims to be in this space while being acknowledged as one of the world’s most prolific providers of secure and speedy digital payment solutions in Asia.

Joseph Chan, the founder and CEO, started out by providing third-party quality digital payment, mobile payment solutions and related technology-support. A self-confessed lifelong learner who believes in staying positive and innovative all at once, he read the writing on the wall, of the world going cashless and digitization disrupting things in unprecedented ways. He rightly gauged that the ways to stay relevant would include:

  • Adhering to known industry and technology trends
  • Innovating & de veloping customer-centric products and services to remain part of the trend – if not the leader, and
  • Creating brand awareness and bringing it in line with customer needs to enhance the latter’s experiences while using one’s products.

His views have held him remain in good stead in the present, with AsiaPay providing multi-payment options ranging from credit and debit cards, eBanking, QR payments, and smart POS across Asia which come with multi-currency payment features that accepts cross-border payments as well.

AsiaPay on its part, also runs a multi-channel digital payment management platform which allows convenient payment transactions from any web-connected devices. With a wide range of products, AsiaPay is today a leading and trusted payment gateway entity for businesses across Asia with local operations flourishing in 15 country operations.

Staying Ahead

We have built an enthusiastic team of developers, product managers and fintech professionals to accomplish vision and mission, with payment technologies designed to bring newer revolutions faster than the blink of an e ye, Joseph does not expect competition—intense as it is in this part of the world—to remain far. Joseph keeps his mind on the innovation and his flocks in line to provide his ever-growing list of clients, the best there is that technology can provide.

He says, to stay ahead in such competitive times and in a field as competitive as payment technologies, innovation remains the cornerstone, followed by a very high level of autonomy to his team to keep important projects going at the right pace.

Innovation, he reasons, is the single-most important of abilities to envision e very creative and viable opportunity and then championing towards bringing it to life in a realistic and practical manner. With two decades of experience behind him, he adjudges the ability to provide strong business leadership as also being crucial to the growth of enterprise where the leader himself has the ability to identify and fix problems in the organization and its business models. Doing so at an early stage, he says, plugs gaps and leaks which power the business for a long run.

AsiaPay under Joseph has gained immensely. Among its product-based USPs the following are worth noting:

-On data security, they remain PCIDSS le vel 1- compliant since 2006, one of the earliest PSPs in Asia to achieve such high standards.

-To help merchant minimizing PCI work and investment, they offer features like Direct Client Post, Customized payment page, member tokenization etc. Their newly launched SDK is sure to facilitate secure interface from merchants’ mobile app to their gateway.

-On payment Authentication, they remain one of the very few advanced 3D Secure certified vendors in Asia who are compliant with 6 card brands – Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover/Diners, JCB and CUP for both issuing side and acquiring banks since 2003.

-They are also one of the very few certified vendors who support the latest card tokenization standards of Visa (VTS) and MasterCard (MDES)

-On Risk control & monitoring, they offer advanced anti-fraud processing & reporting tools to merchant bundled in their payment service FREE and ha ve been used e very day by banks and merchant clients in 12 countries in Asia since 2005.

-On a high degree of internal controls matching international standards, it is their adherence to an annual SOC audit that ensures such quality standards.

Delivering Quality

Talented people make excellent products. And Good people ought to be part of one’s team. Joseph, the quintessential team player reasons that a leader, how-so-ever effective and deft, can never be ahead of the team.

To know the pulse of his organization, it’s USPs, the direction it is headed is and it’s needs, Joseph has developed a second line of leaders among his employees who remain high on confidence, positivity and outlook, and who can be expected to go forth and create the right environment in the organization that encourages internal co-operations leading to the building of effective teams which deliver more than they promise.

The best of one’s products is no match for the worst of destiny’s handiwork. The Covid-19 pandemic and certain geopolitical posturing has left businesses worldwide feeling unsure and insecure about their very existence.

For this, his remedy remains quite unique. A diet! He surmises that if a person undergoing a diet comes back feeling health y, why not a business? Continuing with his human analogy, businesses he says, need to stay agile and aggressive in order to survive while keeping their eyes peeled for opportunities brought about by changes in technology.

With Data continuing to be the new “crude oil” that shall power industry worldwide, its effective use is an essential for organizational survival. To this end, for effective strategy building and execution, he newly launches the Merchant Dashboard for merchants and advises the use of the latest in technology including big-data and AI to predict business and market trends and unlocking hidden business ideas and re venue streams. It is for this reason that his take on the future of AsiaPay’s business outlook strongly include globalization of business reach, use of intelligent systems and personalization of products and services to keep customers hooked for more.

Joseph ‘s vision of the future takes him back to his own beginnings. ‘Acknowledge Your Client as an Individual’ says he while also aiming to productively support start-ups to expand and scale up the payment and digital eco-system. Tying these disparate ends, he says is sure to keep an organization afloat in the worst of storms and squalls!


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