
Google Announces New Privacy-focused Replacements


Google on Wednesday said that it is adopting new privacy changes that will reduce tracking  across android applications on its Android devices.

Google said it is creating new privacy-focused alternatives for its advertising ID.

The changes in the privacy might affect big companies reliant on tracking users across applications, like Facebook (Meta). Apple’s adjustments in privacy hit Meta hard.

Meta expressed that Apple’s privacy changes will reduce its sales in 2022 by $10 billion.

Meta expressed support for Google’s plan to implement changes in its privacy.

Graham Mudd, Vice President of Product Marketing, Ads and Business at Facebook expressed, ″It is encouraging to see this long-term, collaborative approach to privacy-protective personalized advertising from Google. We look forward to continued work with them and the industry on privacy-enhancing tech through industry groups.”

Google announced that it will support the current identifiers for the upcoming two years to provide other companies time to implement changes.

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