
e-Way Systems s.r.o: Delivering Effective CRM Solutions Globally

Jan Lalinsky | CEO & Co-founder | eWay Systems s.r.o

Customer Relationship Management tops the food chain aspect in almost every industry. Being the most efficient approach in maintaining and creating relationships with customers, it has ensured itself a significant stature in business. Meet eWay Systems s.r.o. — a CRM solutions provider which offers professional CRM software for MS Outlook that helps its clients to grow and focus on essential concerns of the organizations.

CIO LOOK admires such organizations and appreciates their contribution in evolution of business management sector.

Below is eWay’s story:

The idea of eWay System s.r.o. was first emerged, around 11 years ago, under the parent banner of MEMOS Software. They created a custom-made software with a main purpose to help international law firms to track matters or data and related communication. Since the product looked very promising, it was soon transformed into a CRM / Project Management tool called eWay-CRM. They put together a team of enthusiastic professionals and began to function as a brand new company.

The company provides two editions of its product – eWay-CRM Free and eWay-CRM Premium. eWay-CRM Free is a single user version available for individuals at no cost. Hundreds of people use this software because they want something easy to start with, or because they are determined and highly organized freelancers who are good with a single license. Whereas, eWay-CRM Premium is designed for teams that need to share data across the organization, to work with user permissions and to use advanced features. The company states that many users of eWay-CRM Free eventually switch to Premium.

eWay-CRM Premium can be bought as a lifetime license or as a monthly subscription. The company understands the requirements vary for every company, thus they offer both lifetime and monthly subscription. The company can deliver eWay-CRM as an on-premise solution, or as hosted on its cloud. Most of eWay competitors provide cloud-based tools, however the company still gets a lot of inquiries for the “old fashion server-side installations”. There are still a lot of companies who do not trust clouds and want to keep data under their control.

The company strongly believes in content marketing. While creating content, it focuses more on STDC strategy, that means ‘See, Think, Do and Care’. In the ‘See’ stage, the person only sees a piece of information which he or she has no idea about and eWay helps them understand what CRM means. ‘Think’ is when its potential client starts thinking about actually purchasing a CRM software and have to provide them with arguments. The third stage, ‘Do’, is the most important for the company as it needs to persuade the client to choose its solution. However, it also invests lots of the company’s energy into the ’Care’ stage, which is mainly represented by short articles with tips. Later, good content needs to reach the target audience thus the company is available on all popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. At eWay, the teams keep trying new formats, such as the recently presented eWay-Podcasts.

eWay-CRM states that it is happy to welcome any team member who is dedicated to work. All teams work hard to achieve their goals and love to celebrate new milestones together. “Every person counts!,” exemplifies the company’s motto.

Based on customer feedback, it knows that the company already has a great product and needs to tell the world it can deliver a tool that will help them grow. Its Unique Selling Proposition of eWay is a CRM in Outlook thus, its customer does not need to spend ages learning how to use a new software. They simply use Outlook, but they achieve more with it!

The company has never tried to attract the early adopters who are looking for the newest gadgets. Its software is designed for those who want a reliable solution proven by many companies beforehand.

At the same time, eWay does understand that modern people want to be remote, mobile, in-charge of deciding when and where they work. Thus, eWay-CRM is integrated with Microsoft Outlook allowing it to provide an offline CRM so that people do not need to rely on a fast and stable internet connection. The company has an iOS and Android app that can be used on the go, that helps to keep company data in everybody’s pocket. It is working on an online web interface so that its customers can use whatever device they prefer to.

Opinion of an Impeccable Leader 

My main goal when starting the new project was to create a globally successful product, something familiar and popular with people from all around the world. I believed such a company could be founded even without grants, investors, and loans,” says Jan Lalinsky.

The CEO and Co-founder of eWay also adds,“thought became even clearer as I watched the ongoing trends. Startups in particular often try to get the attention of investors. I understand that a financial injection is able to give the business a drive, however, I would be concerned about losing the freedom in my business. You start being pushed away from your philosophy toward the views of your investor or you are forced to make enough money to pay installments to the bank. Therefore, you sometimes make decisions you should not make if it was just up to you. A strong investor can significantly change the image and structure of a company. That is something I have personally never wanted to get too far from our original plans and thoughts we wish to fulfill.

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