
Diya Peter: Comprehending and Embracing Innovations for Future Growth


Innovation, in accordance with ambiguity, could derive a more specific and accurate approach for businesses. If leveraged correctly, an adequate business-oriented innovation can take a business to its highest leap. Individuals with the capability of being decisive, that can simplify complex decision-making processes in businesses, are often termed as great leaders.

Meet Diya Peter who manages IT Applications for Operations at Rosendin Electric. Diya is a prolific personality with a belief of implicating new ideologies and innovation for the greater good of an organization. Her decisiveness, and the ability to learn new skills, led her and Rosendin to achieve many milestones in her journey.

Following is Diya’s story and her managerial endeavors on lifting the well-established empire.

Although hard, Diya grew up in a competitive culture of India. This instilled her with a strong work ethic, a desire to succeed and a belief that learning new skills (be they managerial, communication, problem solving, teamwork) does not end with a college degree. This mindset allowed her to persevere with determination in a technical support role starting at the ground level. Diya worked her way up through the ranks and learned important lessons from her colleagues, bosses, and mentors, who also gave her much needed wisdom and opportunities to succeed. She was bestowed with a diverse set of roles and responsibilities in her career from an IT technician, to a consultant, and up to a manager. Each step provided her with an experience that has afforded success towards the next. She quotes, “The learning never stops!”

Diya describes her role as being in the front line in an industry that is constantly being inundated with new technologies. Because of this, it is important for her to filter the offerings and ensure that they are specific to the construction industry and culturally agnostic. Diya continuously follows-up with her end-users to ensure the products provided are helping them to be most productive. This sometimes requires software changes and it is up to her to make this happen.

Working in a male-dominated industry, Diya has observed how the industry has changed over the years and it has been very encouraging to see more and more women becoming leaders in their organizations. In turn, she has witnessed companies struggle when there are not credited leadership roles for women. Diya believes that diversity in the workplace needs to go all the way up through the workforce to the decision makers. She voluntarily encourages her fellow colleagues to believe in themselves and to fearlessly speak up with confidence and grace. She advises that if one believes that he/she are an equal and behave accordingly, it is far more likely that people around them will respect and respond positively to them.

“Demanding fair treatment is important for women in a leadership role, but it also important for the women that will follow,” said Diya. “We need to do our due diligence to ensure that the issues we are facing are part of the current culture. Focus on staying true to oneself by believing that you are as good as others and be optimistic to the future dilemmas you may face. My advice to women in this industry is to be fearless. Stay confident and do not shy away from building a relationship with your customers, colleagues, supervisors, and peers.”

Women have been in power throughout history, Diya believes that a person’s qualifications and experiences should come before gender and when selecting the right candidate for a position should be based on these. Having women in leadership roles sets the precedence that leadership opportunities are supported and encouraged by management.

Diya strongly believes that women naturally deliver a different perspective to foster healthy growth within an organization. She has contributed towards the cause of women empowerment, is an advocate for women’s rights, and is passionate about empowering and helping the women around her. Diya leads by example by participating and speaking in construction forums, being a contributor to trade magazines, and mentoring and supporting the women on her team at Rosendin. Overall, listening is important when it comes to leading a team. The time Diya spent time as a volunteer for the Rape Crisis Helpline taught her the importance of listening and how to effectively communicate and train her team.

Embracing Vital Traits

Every person has different strengths, and each plays a role in shaping oneself and developing future leaders. Attributes that Diya believe are vital, includes:

  • Personal and Professional Integrity: Keeping your word and conducting business in a respectable and fair manner. Being a reliable team player in a fast-paced industry is a key component to a successful team.
  • Communication and Leadership Skills: The ability to communicate clearly and effectively that, in turn, leaves your audience feeling inspired and empowered can be the difference in the success of a project.
  • Persistence and Tenacity: Be persistent in finding solutions. One of Diya’s mentors once asked her, “What if failure was not an option?” That one little tidbit of advice has become her inspiration.

Prospective Endeavors

Innovation often happens by chance or through grass roots efforts from an entrepreneurial spirit in the company. Diya envisions establishing and leading a formal innovation team that is primarily focused on leveraging the greatest technology for the betterment of the industry which she belongs. Moreover, the team will also augment existing technologies to deliver reliable integrated services and maximize return on investment. Working in the construction technology space as a manager and being passionate about new technology has afforded her with the opportunity to attend new tech conferences every year and see for her what could be utilize effectively at the company. Reviewing new technology and interacting with others in the industry helps her keep abreast of the latest innovations in the market.

About the Company

For 100 years, Rosendin has created a reputation for building quality electrical and communications installations, building value for clients, and building people within the company. From their commencement in 1919, to the conversion into an employeeowned company in 1992, Rosendin has flourished immensely. At Rosendin, employee ownership means the company is not just another electrical contractor, but as owners the employees have a stake in the future success of the company This is why Rosendin fosters a culture of shared ownership as the largest employeeowned company in the industry.

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