
Elite League of Innovative Entrepreneurs, 2019

On Cover

Sam Khashman: Enriching Client’s Performance with Astonishing Software Solutions

The characteristics of being a successful leader exist in those individuals who admire and drive innovations to meet client requirements. A perfect balance between these two aspects with the integration of market intelligence could enable any leader to take an organization to its utmost heights. This art of leadership is professionally portrayed by CEO of ImagineSoftware, Sam Khashman…
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Interview With Thebusinessberg

CXO Standpoint


CIO Look is Global business authority platform where you can explore the perspective of Entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators who drive business around the globe. CIOLook has unvaryingly been at the front line for its honesty and genuineness acquiring acknowledgment from Business pioneers universally. It features best business hones inferred by individuals, organizations, and industry divisions around the globe…. Read More

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