With a mission to help clients accelerate their transformation programs by applying best-of-breed technologies, Reveal Group…
CEO’s Board
Creativity is an essential tool for success in life. It helps us solve problems, imagine new…
ERP systems help improve the management of any organization and allows each team member to…
In this era of digitalization, we have witnessed unimaginable technological disruptions in various business sectors. We, as…
Customer Experience (CX) is a very important aspect in almost every business. As maintaining a…
Digitalization has taken an active pace since its inception. Integrating digital technology with business aspects…
Lessons for Management and Leadership In an interview with CIO LOOK, Dr. Tigran Haas—Director/CEO of the…
Building an entrepreneurial venture in distinctive fields is also a novel art, in itself, to…
In an interview with CIO LOOK, Kiran Bhagotra—Founder, President and CEO of ProtectBox Ltd, emphasizes her…
In an interview with CIO Look, Joshua Herbert discusses his impeccable journey, achievements and many…