
Alicia Carroll: Maximizing Various Socioeconomic Sectors

Alicia Carroll, President, Tech Innovation Global Incorporated

Good leaders have clear definition of tasks, Gidentifiable output that can be readily measured, exceptional performance standards. They are able to make a difference in the industry by their competitive, exemplary, and professional approach. They surround themselves with experts. One such competitive leader in the world of business is Alicia Carroll. She surrounds herself with experts, and industry leaders with an exceptional past performance work history and capabilities with measurable improvements (i.e., safety, statistics, outstanding leadership medals, certificates, skills, awards) to achieve success.  

Alicia Sheree Carroll, is an American engineer, technologist and President of Tech Innovation Global Incorporated ®, a company founded for community initiatives, COVID-19, analysis; mandatory mask recommendations and the environments’ biodiversity to connect science to earth and overall well-being. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is a Small Business/Minority Business for community service, improvements, charity and overall well-being. Alicia Carroll is an award-winning technologist of 18 years. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is to maximize various socioeconomic sectors. Alicia has diverse life experiences that involve public safety. Alicia considers it is imperative each month to have weekly meetings, measure performance, discuss performance analysis, monitor performance, resource allocations coordinated with public health officials, health care systems, states, regional to medical experts in the three-phased approach based on public health experts to help state and local officials reopening economies. 

Integrated Supply Capabilities to Data Analysis  

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated provides telehealth services, consultation services which include best practices, integrated supply capabilities to data analysis. Alicia has broad and comprehensive responsibility in translating policies since January to ordering procedures, procurements, toolbox training, PPE, medical records, best practices, and metrics under the Department of Defense (DoD) Afwerx National Response & COVID-19 JAFT to slow the spread of SARS CoV-2 in the healthcare setting and the general population. For this effort, a scientific to technical background is required with certification in FAR52. Alicia’s background and previous role in working Department of Defense (DoD) provided essential data analysis reviews, training and requirements to organizations in order to achieve the following accomplishments:  

Integrated Supply Capabilities February 2020  

  • Reopening COVID Analysis and mandatory face mask recommendations on April 13, 2020 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-veilcoronavirus.html  
  • Face Mask Recommendation April 2020
  • Training February 2020 to May 2020  
  • COVID-19 Best Practices July 2020  
  • COVID-19 Symptoms Screening & Additional Safety August to 2021  
  • Tech Innovation Global Inc. encouraging companies to support mask/face coverings, economic initiatives to promote flatten the curve, US Industry from various socioeconomic categories  
  • Communicating health literacy, wearing a Mask, Face coverings, Maintain at least 6 feet distance, Positivity rates, and Wash Hands slows the transmission of COVID-19 foreign and US reduced transmissions April 7, 2020 in Certified WOSB/MBE Minority Business Enterprise 117446586  
  • Tech Innovation Global Inc.®, Tech Daily Life® ISBN-13: 978-1-7344654-0-2 (2019)  
  • Developed a Quarantine site Questionnaire and Reviews October 2020 https://www.webtechdailylife.net/
  • Web Tech Daily Life® for initiatives, environmental improvements, charity, and overall well-being https://www.techdailylife.nettechdailylife.app  

Environment-Friendly Procurement Offerings  

Safety, Sustainability, Infrastructure, Performance, and Operational Planning have an important role in the diversification of an organization’s offerings. Tech  

Innovation Global Incorporated has FLS Medical training providing translations in 7 different languages local to global. The green engineering industry provides greener processes flowing from requirements documents to support in areas of wind turbines, nonrenewable resources, etc. Diversification is to perform market research and look for 2 or more. The function of the procurement offerings process is not only to define what is to be performed, but allows for effective management, maintains security, performance and enhances competitive procurement for best performance in tracing and tracking in health care settings, public settings, and challenges.  

Promoting Sustainable Future  

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is in collaboration with the Department of Defense in COVID-19, companies, and industry during the next five years products to market. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated also offers science, socioeconomic businesses, and a sustainable future. Several companies currently perform green purchasing to green solutions. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated and others provide assessments to benefit humanity, community service, and technology.  

Being Encouraging and Empowering  

Alicia considers that every leader should possess values such as measurable achievements, respect, and processes for compliance; knowledge of new technology and should know the difference in policy, and she considers improving communities is very important in measurable standards. According to her leader should be encouraging in the heart (i.e. attitudes) as she considers empowerment is the net effect of enabling others. Empowerment is whereby you make a plan with positive intention. Other vital attributes she considers important are being intuitive, listening (gut), purpose, motives, motivation, intensity, and stability. Alicia and her team communicate based on various methods such as emails, meetings, and lunch as words may be measured 7% in the communication percentage vs. higher if you are utilizing electronic procedures (workflows, electronic authorizations) in the percentage breakdown in industry. In innovation, for example, percentages are 35% Product development, Sales Marketing 25%, Finance 15%, Talent training 10%, IT 8% and Customer Quality Assurance 7%.  

Essential Planning Services  

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated was one of the first in January 01, 2020 to provide essential planning resources at https://www.webtechdailylife.net to help reduce the spread with COVID-19 screening symptoms. It also provided 1, 2, and 3 phased approach in planning health concepts that includes 4 socioeconomic factors highly driven by health, collaboration with other to maximize efforts to physical environments. It consists of concept of operations/guidelines, along with implementation and measuring performance in a physical environment led by the Department of Défense (DoD) in response to the WH guidelines April 16, 2020. Ms. Diana Phillips in COVID-19 screening is HIPAA compliant with registered RDNs, doctors; and collaborative developments in screening, planning and vaccinations are essential priorities in corporate planning and public (interpreters can be arranged in advance) to reduce the spread of COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2.  

Comprehensive Experience  

Creative leadership spirit is sustained in this changing technological age by people from different walks of life and backgrounds. Comprehensive experience working with various backgrounds, skill information and technical competence is essential to ensuring best performance and measuring progress to developing new technology to benefit the public sector, consumer goods, medical, safety and transportation as discussed in Tech Daily Life and Tech Innovation Global Incorporated.  

  1. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated https://www.bookwire.com/book/USA/techinnovation-global-incorporated-businesscommunity-technology-ecommerce-integrated-itsolutions-environment-health-9781734465426- alicia-carroll-74202677 USD $43 ISBN 978-1- 7344654-2-6 
  2. Tech Daily Life https://www.bookwire.com/book/USA/technologyfor-daily-life-9781734465419-alicia-carroll74101162 programs, skills and businesses USD $43 ISBN 978-1-7344654-1-9
  3. Children’s Developmental plans with illustrations https://www.bookwire.com/book/USA/the-abc-sof-life-9781734465440-alicia-carroll78417346_69/ $14.95 Proceeds benefit charities  

Alicia possesses creative leadership and comprehensive experiences that helps her to lead Tech Innovation Global Incorporated more effectively which in turn creates more positive impact across America and countries, such as, United Kingdom, Canada and France. She is currently working with FLS, Inc. established in 1979 for translations serving 80 languages in medial and technical interpreting. You can give today at https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com and https://webtechdailylife.net.  

Flattening the Pandemic Curve  

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated provides global COVID-19 safety in collaboration with the Department of Défense, FAR52 and Public safety. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated also provides services for private industry to global. and products to marketplace with many companies in the marketplace including NGOs, the BBB, private industry, non-profits, commercial, and security WINTRIO DEVSecs Ops IT https://www.wintrio.com. As COVID-19 cases continue, Alicia encourages everyone to continue to wear a mask and face coverings; keep people safe and healthy at 6 feet distance; and wash hands for at least 20 seconds and test, which all reduce the spread of COVID-19 in health care setting and the general community.  

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is a Registered Alabama (CERT#117446586) Small Minority Business Enterprise Vendor and it can fulfill requirements for vendor/supplier diversity. It is a a ONE STOP PORTAL for all business needs. At Tech Innovation Global Incorporated https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com Tech Innovation Global Incorporated performed commendable data analysis to lift the veil, COVID integrated supply capabilities assessments February to March 2020, and best practices to flatten the curve. It practices Wearing a mask. Washing hands for at least 20 seconds, and maintaining 6 feet distance.

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