
Alertgy: Revolutionizing the Diagnostic Industry

Marc Rippen | President & Founder | Alertgy

As an effectual result of a traumatic personal experience of Marc Rippen, Alertgy was founded. Marc’s wife Sue had a low blood sugar attack and was found nearly unresponsive. He saved her from a diabetic coma and understood that diabetics needed an automated glucose monitor and alert system that was practical, non-invasive, inexpensive, and easy to use.

His wife’s diabetic condition forced him to address a major unmet need for diabetics and their loved ones for a system that would automatically alert when blood glucose levels are too high or too low. This was the idea that led to the inception of Alertgy.

Marc has always enjoyed helping people overcome technical problems where he could apply his ‘out of the box’ thinking skills to creatively solve their challenges and is doing the same through Alertgy.

A Proficient Leader

The Founder and President of Alertgy Marc is an experienced and highly skilled technical engineer with over 30 years of experience. He has worked for multiple fortune 500 companies, Department of Defense (DOD), NASA, SOCOM, and DARPA commercializing dozens of ground-breaking and revolutionary technologies. He holds various degrees across multiple interrelated disciplines including: Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Biophysics, Analytical Chemistry, Masters of Aeronautical Science, and Management of Engineering and Technology.

A Non-invasive & Inexpensive Solution

Alertgy provides the first non-invasive wearable continuous glucose monitor and alert system to actually measure true blood glucose. It sets diabetics free from having to think about taking measurements by allowing for fully automated continuous monitoring with pre-set alerts for low or high glucose levels set by the user.

“We are committed to transforming how we monitor blood sugar to improve the lives of diabetics and, in the future, help people prevent diabetes.”

The fact that one third of all hospital admissions from their Emergency Rooms are due to type 2 diabetics who are not compliant in managing their diabetes. Alertgy’s solution can eliminate 80% of these events by providing an inexpensive automated means to drive compliance of diabetics by providing the necessary data to their health care and other caregivers to act upon.

Leveraging Technology

The medical device and diagnostic industry are constantly growing and changing with new technologies being introduced to the market all the time. Alertgy is entering a new era in medicine that will be significantly impacted in the incredible growth and breakthroughs in wearables, cloud based IoT sensor systems, application of AI 10, and digital health. Its technology can also be used to look for telltale signs of other disease states which will drive the application of wearables in remote and home-based applications.

Alertgy is engaged in attending technology conferences in the fields that impact its continuous development, in the area of IoT, Wearables, Digital Health and Diabetes. It also works with strategic partners that are recognized as leaders in the field and has a technical advisory board that provides the company with inputs to ensure it stays on top of things as much as possible.

A Potential Application

COVID-19 has severely affected almost all of the world. While many businesses are struggling to tackle the crisis, Alertgy is taking advantage of change instead of fighting it.

According to the team at Alertgy, the major catalyst for change has been the COVID-19 crisis. The diabetes monitoring industry is behind the curve and is ripe to implement its technology to address a major unmet need in the mature market, a non-invasive, cost effective digitally enabled continuous blood glucose monitor and alert system. The millions of diabetics throughout the world need an easier and simpler way to manage and monitor their blood sugar, without the pain and hassle that today’s products bring.

In the future, Alertgy believes it can reach new industries and customers by applying its patented technology to many other forms of diagnostics. Ironically, the detection of COVID virus is a potential application for Alertgy technology. Alertgy can become not only a leader in diabetes care, but also diagnostics and monitoring for a plethora of diseases and ailments.

Striving to Be an Industry Leader

Currently, Alertgy is focused on first bringing its technology to bear on the largest and most underserved diabetic population of over 400 million people that are type 2 diabetics around the world with a way to manage their disease easily, automatically, and effectively. To this end, the company will be pursuing an alert and surveillance application approval for this from the regulatory agencies throughout the world. Given that 1/3 of the world’s entire population is borderline diabetics, the company can help them better manage their lifestyles to keep them from becoming diabetic.

The team at Alertgy believes that in the future there is no limit to what its technology can provide in the way of monitoring and diagnostics. Published research indicates that Alertgy’s technology has the potential to track other metabolites and cellular markers within the body for other diseases that could pave the way for the company to be a premier leader in diagnostic technology.

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