
AI Impacting Healthcare Industry:

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Industry | Business Magazine | CIOLook

AI is well known for its best advancement in structuring technologies. Its alterations are assisting various industries and being found that, it has proven much beneficial in healthcare industry. Day by day, with improved tech innovations, it is helping health care professionals to perceive their daily duties and assist people to know their health related issues. From hospital care to clinical research, drug development and insurance, AI applications are revolutionizing by initializing how health care sector can reduce the expenses and improve patient outcomes. It is also getting used to find diseases, like cancer with accuracy and in its early stage. The existence of Artificial intelligence has led in reducing human errors by delivering accurate results. This machine learning system has proved more beneficial for the doctors as it has driven huge effect by providing sufficient amount of data in their hands that has given a clear understanding in assisting ongoing treatment of an individual.

Artificial Intelligence is also implemented on structured and unstructured data that involves both machine learning and natural language processing. This technology is used in every health care system but it is much preferably used in cardiology, neurology, and oncology. Many hospitals have started adopting this technology, as to reduce manual work and to deliver more accurate services to their patient.

Benefits of Incorporating AI in with Health Care:

  • Electronic Health Records:

EHR collectively consist information of patient’s medical history, treatment schedule, immunization dates, radiology images, laboratory and test results. It is being leaded out deliberately into healthcare. But this change was not well ordered. Henceforth, when this process got automated through artificial intelligence most of the routine processes got carried out flawlessly. EHR holds all the confidential and vital data that are related to patients which could be utilized to make decisions on patients’ care. Clinical documentation is the zone that equips lot of time. This time span could be reduced with the help of voice recognition and dictation by blending it with natural language processing. This can help to save lots of time and effort. This can be considered as a major advantage for doctors as data reclamation is strapping aspect of Artificial Intelligence.

With the advancement of AI into EHR doctors no longer need to worry about drug overdose or allergies as information alike. This is stored on cloud system which could be revived on specific time intervals as per the need of the end user. Patients who had previous history of various infections will also get benefitted from AI intervention as it will be easier to recognize patterns and send notifications. AI is not limited up to engaging functions like storing, retrieving data and identifying patterns. Apart from this, it can also handle some routine request as well.

  • Medical Imaging Diagnostics

Artificial Intelligence stands right specifically with the use of its improved innovations towards scanning technologies for human body,  that are also determined as radiology images, which are obtained from scanning machines. W-radiology.com has lots of information about this.  Such as X-rays, CT-scanner, and MRI machines that deliver reports of human body internals, but these reports are not always unerring as they are not able to give accurate results of diagnosis on their own. Most of the doctors have to count on some other alternatives, such as biopsies, to make decision in order to know what’s erroneous with the patient.

But AI has completely renovated the pessimistic aspects of scanning machines by relieving high end and accurate inputs on the human body. The radiology now has deep approach towards the complications which are then studied explicitly. It has a tendency to shift through various diagnostic images and identify peculiarities. Through machine learning technology, it is now possible to recognize and differentiate between cancerous and non-cancerous cell with accuracy.

  • Virtual Health Assistance

Virtual health assistance has been proved of great importance to every individual out there looking to maintain good health and organize their health oriented goals. It requires involvement of an individual to the next level through intelligent virtual assistant and medical virtual assistant. VHA comprises of health monitors and other tools that have artificial intelligence integrated in it.

  • Let’s see what it features:

It will prompt individual to have their medication on scheduled time. It will give medical guidance if an individual suffers from customary disorder. It will also propose diet and eating routine for the individuals who have diet restrictions. It can alert an individual when he/she is about to run out of medicines. It would also remind about doctor appointments and oversee bookings allowing virtual interactivity with doctors.

  • Proactive Medical Care

As per the conventional medical treatment, an individual is treated followed by disease detection. This kind of treatment is termed as reactive medical care. With the use of Artificial Intelligence, primarily the whole medical history of an individual is being studied and analyzed as per patient’s disease. On high priority, an individual is being kept under observation to see if there is any change in his condition and if anything seems to be agitating then the application suggests for further medical intervention.


Artificial intelligence is transforming healthcare. There is huge change in role of doctors as well as patients. There are some challenges which need to be directed, but still its benefits could not be undervalued. And it’s for sure that the artificial intelligence will change the worlds approach towards healthcare.

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