
Affordable Tech for Small Businesses


Starting a business is a big step, and one that can take a lot of money. If you’ve started a new business, congratulations! But chances are you’re now counting your pennies. Not to worry. This is the digital age, where vast advancements in technology are readily available to the public, and there are a lot of online tools available to help you save money. Read our guide for all the details on the latest tech that can help you and your business.

Apps and platforms

As mentioned above, there are a lot of platforms available online to help you with every conceivable business problem – and some things you didn’t even think were a problem. Advancements in software have allowed businesses to reduce, or entirely automate, the tedious and routine tasks that need done every day.

For example, if your business is in any way involved in ecommerce, you are eventually going to need to ship your products. Getting it right is key to a successful business, and you get it right by avoiding problems in the shipping process. That’s where Zendbox comes in. Its platform integrates with all the major mailing companies, like Royal Mail, Hermes, eBay, Amazon, UPS, and more. You can watch your shipments travel around the world in real time, allowing you to spot and solve a problem before it happens.

For businesses that have a strong office presence, or many staff members, it would be helpful to download the project management tool, Trello. Your employees will never be lost for what they’re doing next with a checklist assigned to them with all the tasks that need done. Use it day-to-day for routine work or use it to split up a large project that will need even distribution.

Additionally, there is even a platform for how you package your products. Blueprint Automation allows you to choose from dozens of packaging shapes, from milk cartons to pizza trays and sealed pouches and more in between. Supply your graphics and see your products come to life. Choose how they should be arranged and contained, and they are off to be shipped.

No doubt, if you have a problem within your business, there is an app or a platform for that. Hiring, training, benefits, etc. There is an app for that.

Phone systems

New phone systems have become invaluable to businesses over the past couple of years. But the recent boom of working from home isn’t the only reason to get one. If you have to travel for work, get snowed in, or simply like to work wherever you are, you will need a phone system.

Systems like Open Phone allow you to phone and video call while on the move, without the need for a landline. You will save money with this simple switch immediately, having to only pay for your Wi-Fi. This internet phone allows you to also send texts, and you can save time and energy fielding calls by using its automated customer service features to allow customers and clients to reach exactly who they are looking for.

Other features include group messaging, so there will be less meetings needed, and call recording for training and quality purposes, and you can gain as many or as few local and toll-free phone numbers as you need.

But the best part? You can mute calls in out of office hours, so nothing interrupts your family time.

Smart tech business

Smart technology, or Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology, is quickly becoming a part of everyday life. You might not have seen it, but you definitely have. It’s in your train stations, in modern boilers, and, most obviously, in your payment systems.

Crucially, switching to contactless payment systems is the best thing for any business, but especially small businesses. After an initial payment that can be as low as $30, you will have a highly secure payment system with an automated paper trail that will allow you to resolve disputes quickly.

When it comes to security, you will have surely seen all the doorbell videos of people running off with doorstep packages? That’s down to a smart security system and they are becoming more and more common in western homes. But why should only homes be secure? You can install a similar system to your business premises and enjoy a camera that feeds right into your phone, as well as a direct link to the nearest police station. Control it remotely so that you don’t have to wait around the shop for deliveries and be sure that nothing just disappears from your premises again.

But the real money-saver is all the energy-saving smart tech that is currently hitting the market. Win-win for you and the environment. You can gain motion activated lights, install a smart thermostat that will keep a level temperature, and many other pieces of tech that will save you on the monthly utility bills.

For More Information: Click Here 

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