
2021: Virtual Workforce Development, Training, Skills, Google Drive Communities

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Tech Innovation Global Inc. https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com, SPORE, Village of Promise, Training, and donate today!

HUNTSVILLE, AL, US, June 8, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Join 2021: Virtual Workforce Development, Training, Internet skills, Google Drive, and Programming at https://hmcpl.org/workforce

You can also donate to SPORE, Tech Innovation Global Inc. https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com, HMCPL and Village of Promise villageofpromise.org.
Donate in any amount by going to Tech Innovation Global Incorporated https://techinnovationglobalinc.com/donate-and-sponsor-community-programs/.

Foreign Language Services of the American Translators Association (ATA) a dba, AL association of language companies provides more than 80 languages to countries.

You can register and purchase services at https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com or give at www.webtechdailylife.net/donate/ for global community development, charities and improvements and expand platform services.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide skills post COVID-19, focus on additional safety, data analysis including face mask recommendations, innovation, and screening to flatten the curve, provide collaborative healthy habits and services to communities. Starting with promoting modern initiatives and science on a global platform, TIG’s mission is to provide access to skills needed for science, innovation, business marketplaces, and to connect companies to communities. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is an USCFR global business, in collaboration with communities, talent development, health, science and vital living.


2021 | 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, 1:30PM to 3:30 PM
6PM to 8PM in the evening

Upcoming Resume Interviews, Company Culture & Career preparedness by VISIUM:

Job Seekers

Graduates to All Levels:
• A company employee evaluates every application and resume to determine if the applicant, based on the applicant’s submitted application or resume, qualifies for the job opening(s)

  • See the job boards and when in-person, wear a mask as preferred or required, nod or wave instead of handshake
  • Nearly 61% of Americans earned a two- or four-year degree. Fewer than 40% of college graduates are working in a field that is directly related to their college major five years after graduation. Employers are interested in the graduates’ ability to use their education.

At Tech Innovation Global Incorporated, we include industry, individuals, professionals and other services.

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated utilizes experience in data analysis, science, and market research. You can register and purchase services at https://www.techinnovationglobalinc.com

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