
Twitter closed its offices in Delhi and Mumbai and asked employees to work from home

Twitter Inc. closed two of its three offices in India and directed employees to work from home, highlighting Elon Musk’s mission to cut costs and turn the struggling social media service profitable.

Twitter, that fired more than 90% of its 200-plus employees in India late last year, closed offices in New Delhi and Mumbai, according to people familiar with the situation.


According to the people who declined to be identified because the information is private, the company continues to operate an office in Bengaluru’s southern tech hub that primarily houses engineers.

Billionaire CEO Elon Musk has fired employees and closed offices worldwide to get Twitter financially stable by late 2023.

Nonetheless, India is viewed as a critical growth market for US tech behemoths ranging from Meta Platforms Inc. to Alphabet Inc.’s Google, which are placing long-term bets on the world’s fastest-growing internet arena. Musk’s recent moves indicate that he is putting less emphasis on the market for the time being.

End Note

Twitter has recently grown into one of India’s most critical public forums, hosting the heated political debate and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 86.5 million followers. However, revenue there is insignificant for Musk’s company, which also faces strict content regulations and increasingly savvy local competition.

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