
Team Ariix – The Driving Force of a Globally Ascending Organization

Team Ariix – The Driving Force of a Globally Ascending Organization

The future is paved through hard work and innovation. This is especially true in the direct sales industry, where there is a multitude of reasons why people start and then quit.

Network marketing’s unique platform gives independent representatives great freedom in how they choose to set up their business and sell the company’s products. The possibilities that come with that freedom are nearly limitless.

But that freedom rears success only through dedication, self-motivation, and a true spirit for entrepreneurialism. That has never been more certain than now as we face, together as a global community, a pandemic that has changed the world in which we live.

Building Through Change

ARIIX has always been a company about change. It was created on the principles of disrupting the network marketing industry to create a company that focused on its representatives in a way that had never been done before. The impetus of that design is to make success possible for the average person.

ARIIX’s relationships with its representatives are the building blocks of the company. And fostering those relationships is essential for its overall health and continuing growth. ARIIX understands the importance of promoting and recognizing these relationships.

In these changing and uncertain times, it is both its long-time, devoted, and loyal representatives, coupled with those new faces who have gone forth with unprecedented energy and enthusiasm, who make up its foundation. All have inspiringly grown their businesses with creativity and adaptability in a time when it is most needed.

Opportunity Is the Mother of Invention

The direct sales industry is a business that can transcend travel restrictions and other limitations. Where more traditional sales related enterprises rely heavily on face-to-face interaction, ARIIX’s unique network marketing design inherently allows for technology to help foster a broader, more global reach. In the pages below, you will read about ARIIX’s up and coming emerging new leaders and its steadfast veterans. Some have been with ARIIX for less than two years, and some are veteran members of the ARIIX Founders Club – where membership provides a position to serve as advocates in their markets, with the power to make critical decisions.

It is the combination of that wisdom and fresh insight that makes this company thrive. ARIIX General Managers from all across the globe have selected these representatives to highlight the inspiring waves they have created within the company. These are the hearts that have refused to succumb to doubt or fear in these changing times and, instead, have embraced it as an opportunity, spinning creative webs that have empowered others to join and cast their own net. With an insatiable desire to learn and an openness to challenges, these representatives are paving the path to success on the shifting sands of world around us.

Let us now delve into the journeys and success stories of these representatives.


As a physician, Dr. Peña was always motivated by health and prevention. However, being a full-time doctor left little occasion for family and friends and created conditions where he was largely unable to enjoy free time. That all changed when he discovered direct sales with ARIIX. With its top-of-the-line products, he found the perfect vehicle to achieve success and time freedom all while continuing his love for educating people on health and wellness.

Having joined ARIIX only a few short months ago, and now a member of the ARIIX Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Peña has learned that focusing his energies on people who are motivated and hungry garners greater growth. He says he wants everyone to aspire for more but has come to accept that not everyone wants that. Dr. Peña says, “I am an idealist and a visionary. I visualize the potential in everyone. I try to listen more and talk less. Success in this industry is making the opportunity about them and not me.”

An interesting hurdle Dr. Peña has had to overcome in his business is people’s assumption that the reason for his success is because he is a doctor. He would hear people say they did not believe they could not achieve his success because they did not possess his technical knowledge or that they felt unable to explain the products like he could as a physician. Dr. Peña has innovatively adapted to that situation by simplifying his explanations of the business and products so that it is relatable to anyone. He says, “Success comes from solving problems. It is a result and not a goal.”

Dr. Peña inspires others to work with him by illuminating their worth and placing their talents and potential under a spotlight. Dr. Peña says, “Many talented people contribute greatly but are not being fairly compensated. I show that them that with this vehicle they can achieve their true potential. That network marketing with ARIIX is not just the means to an end but the means to a dream.”


Amy Nie’s motto is, “Only when a woman is financially independent can she become personally independent.”

This philosophy has motivated Amy throughout her 14-year career in the network marketing industry. Amy believes deeply in the platform of direct sales and was drawn to the outstanding products and opportunities available through ARIIX.

Amy says her success in the network marketing field over the years, and today still, is to “believe, learn, act, and persist.” Amy continues that what is important is to, “Believe in yourself, keep learning, and continuously improve your business ability and market development ability. Continuous action is the guarantee of success, as time will prove your choice of career, and persistence will help achieve your dream.”

An ARIIX Founders Club member having been with the company since 2011, Amy finds her direct sales business to be both charming and exciting. It was those two factors that attracted her to the industry in the beginning. Her enthusiasm for her work has remained her constant companion over the years, and that joy grows greater each day on her journey with. Her success has allowed her all the things she dreamed of in life; passive income, time freedom, personal growth, and travel around the world. Amy continues to find inspiration and motivation from working in an industry in which she helps countless people gain health, wealth, and beauty. She considers this almost daily reality to be her greatest achievement.


Like many others, Helen Blesa Martinez was looking for a way to earn extra income. Working eight hours a day, struggling to pay for her vehicle and other debts, and trying to support her family, she felt apprehensive about the future. More than that, she was uneasy. Then she discovered ARIIX, the company that’s changing the landscape of direct selling in favor of the independent representative. It was at that moment she thought, “this is for me!”

Having been with ARIIX for just over a year, in an incredibly short period Helen has created and fostered a team of more than 5,000 and she wakes up e very day inspired by them. She feels her purpose is to help as many people as possible live their full potential. Helen’s motto is, “If I have helped a person find hope, I have not lived in vain.” Her inspirational message is directly in tune with ARIIX’s own mission of providing an opportunity for unlimited human potential through its wide array of quality wellness products.

With desire and boundless energy, Helen’s leadership skills are exemplary. As a steadfast guide for others, she explains the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset and believes the best way of demonstrating that is to lead by example. Helen strongly subscribes to the philosophy that you must be the energy you wish to attract. And she has manifested and proven this by creating a team of incredible, professional leaders, all motivated and united to achieve their full potential.

Helen says one of the greatest things about building her business with ARIIX is that she has primarily been able to do so without ever having to leave home. Effectively marketing her business online through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, this freedom in the workplace has given her generous and precious time with her daughter.


ARIIX’s “disruptive by design” approach to network marketing, coupled with its high-quality products and unique business model is what inspired Shuyuan to get into this business. Shuyuan continues to be motivated by her belief in ARIIX, which is reflected in her accomplishments and efforts that continue to make her a distinguished leader in the company.

Since joining ARIIX in 2014, Shuyuan has achieved the highest title possible within the ARIIX organization and has set records from the very start. A member of the ARIIX Wellness Council and the ARIIX Founders Club, Shuyuan helps shape the future of her market and is an invaluable leadership resource. Shuyuan also holds the record of being the No. 1 Power Ranker two years in a row!

Shuyuan provides incredible inspiration for women entrepreneurs everywhere, and her responsible nature helps her create and focus on clear goals that yield powerful results. She understands that to succeed, and continue with that success, you need to be what she describes as “a mover and an improver,” and not just a thinker. Shuyuan knows the importance of action and follow through.

Continually setting new goals and seeking out ways to improve is also part of Shuyuan formula for success. She feels compelled to be in a constant pattern of conquering herself and surpassing herself. It is this drive that has helped her reach multiple milestones with ARIIX.

Her outgoing, enthusiastic, and sincere attributes are what attract others and continue to help her thrive in this business. Shuyuan says, “Attraction is far more important than persuasion. I inspire others to think and make choices by telling my own stories.”

Shuyuan greatest achievements continue to be her witness to and participation in the transformation and success of others. It is those relationships and success stories that keep her passionately engaged in her business.


Focus and consistency have been a foundation in Luz Evangelista’s life. Luz saw great success at a young age but moved away from the demands of that work after having her daughter. Luz did not want to give up her dreams or ambitions but wanted a better way to feel productive and to generate income without sacrificing time with her daughter. That is when ARIIX entered the picture! Luz loved the idea of operating her own business through the direct sales of ARIIX’s excellent and innovative wellness products.

Using her innate focus and consistency, she took her business seriously and went forth as though she had invested her entire wealth, as though her success depended on it. Her tenacity and approach have paid off handsomely, not only with financial security but in obtaining personal happiness by loving what she does and having a passion for the products. What is more, since joining in 2011, Luz has become an influential and outstanding leader and ARIIX Founders Club member.

Luz also credits her love of working with people for her success. She says it is not just the idea of her own achievements, but the growth and betterment of others, that keeps her motivated. She inspires others to work with her by listening carefully and providing examples of how working together can help them reach their goals. She lets others know she will accompany and stand with them in the process. Luz says, “This business is not for everyone. Not everyone stays. It takes passion and discipline, and everyone has their own pace, but I always strive to be attentive and listen to the needs of those who trust me.”


Miriam Giulia Casu does everything with her heart. And her heart is full of passion, desire, determination, and a genuine love for helping others. With ARIIX and its unique products and entrepreneurial opportunities, Miriam has realized her heart’s full potential. Having joined just over a year ago, with hard work and dedication, she has achieved extraordinary personal and professional success!

Since she was a child, Miriam felt she always had to settle for less. She used to spend 14 hours a day tirelessly working a cleaning job and feeling she had no future. When ARIIX presented itself to her, that feeling changed. At that moment, she felt a significant opportunity to make her dreams come true.

So, she dug in. She committed herself. She kept going and believed in herself, despite the daily challenges. She let go of her fears about what others would think. She concentrated her energy toward constant and consistent action. And she did it with passion. She pursued opportunities to study new techniques and grow her team. And her results have been amazing. In just a short time, she has a team of over 1,000 collaborators and is an emerging leader in ARIIX.

Miriam says, “You must fall in love deeply with your chosen ambition. It must be your priority!” By marketing herself through various social networks, Miriam talks about her daily life to people all over the world. Through her own personal stories, Miriam shows others how her direct sales business with ARIIX “changed her life.” Helping others make their dreams come true continues to be what motivates Miriam most. It is seeing the success of others she has helped along the way that truly fills her with joy.


For Simona Moretti, the seed of her rebirth came from her despair and what she can only describe as “a sharp, pounding need to change.” At that time, her world was encircled with the darkness of a divorce, the pain of loneliness, the loss of time with her three-year old child, and financial difficulty.

That need for change led her to open herself to new channels and that is when she discovered ARIIX. It is that relationship, and her leap of faith into an unknown business venture, that has proven her most significant life-changing event. Simona says, “If you want to take the leap, you need to trust yourself and have a high self-esteem regarding your own potential. Potential that you will learn to develop and that you will need to succeed during the difficulties life presents to you.”

When she began with ARIIX in 2019, Simona knew nothing about direct sales. But she had an insatiable desire to learn. That desire, coupled with her willingness to transform, has led, in just a short time, to great heights within ARIIX, and she has emerged as a standout leader.

Simona has built her new business on a foundation of empathy and connection. Because of her own life experiences, she approaches her trade with a remarkable humility that is absent judgment and preconceived notions of others. Excited about life and the opportunities she has through ARIIX, she wakes up each morning with a willing spirit and an understanding that every day is a new lesson. Simona says, “When you become an opportunity for others and you witness their blossoming of aroused self-esteem, then every moment becomes precious time.”


Steve Swartz is a truly remarkable human. A former US Army Captain and manager of a top-ten American corporation, he started in the network marketing field part-time. But, as with everything he does in life, Steve offered his best effort and within a few years was earning six-figures. Five years into his business with ARIIX, he earned over a million dollars and was the first Multi-Markets Founders Club Member in the USA and Europe.

Steve’s example and leadership within ARIIX are immeasurable. And his accomplishments in the company are legendary. Steve says it is fear that deters and makes people unsuccessful in this business. In the beginning, it was overcoming his own fears, particularly about what others thought, that pushed him past the rocky ledge of giving up.

Steve says, “I was so worried about what other people thought that I almost quit. It went really slow at first. As soon as I stopped focusing on what others thought, my business went much faster.”

From that point, he went forth as a soldier, arming himself with a no excuses, stay positive attitude, and a get-it-done work ethic. He rounds this out with a great sense of humor. Steve says, “Be a winner not a whiner. Take personal responsibility for your life. No one is coming to sa ve you. You have to save yourself.”

Every day, Steve celebrates his emancipation from a corporate job that meant no freedom, to living a life where he can spend time enjoying his three teenaged children. He utilizes a broad scope of avenues in sales to attract others to this business and his optimism and humor are captivating. He looks forward to taking his business with ARIIX to new heights and to change the way network marketing is done globally.


Lanxin Sun and Zixian Dai understand the value of network marketing. A 10-year direct sales veteran, Lanxin considers it a “sunrise industry.” She became inspired by the platform of the business and was motivated by its remarkable features of low cost, high efficiency, and high yield. In Lanxin’s own words, “Network marketing is the inevitable product of the development of science and technology.”

Its unique and pioneering comingling of science and technology is what attracted Lanxin to ARIIX. Having joined in 2012 and a member of the ARIIX Founders Club, Lanxin has become an inspiring leader by doing what she does best as a master network marketer; obtaining a deep understanding of and respect for the products, breathing passion into her work, and having that innate instinct that allows her to recognize and seize opportunities.

Commitment and teamwork are Lanxin’s two trademark attributes in her business. Sun understands the importance of obtaining the customer’s recognition. To achieve this goal, she knows she must garner their trust and help them realize, not only the value she can provide, but their own value as part of the network. Lanxin stresses that this is achieved only by acutely and accurately understanding and explaining the products, and persevering with the customer, never giving up too easily.

For Lanxin, the reward for the achievement of meeting her goals in direct sales is financial independence and free time. She advocates these values to others when inspiring them to invest in themselves and work with her. She further emphasizes that enjoying happiness alone is not nearly as sweet as sharing it.

Lanxin says, “I try to remain full of passion and to share all things with sincerity.”

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