
Robert Bruski: Copying Imagination, Pasting Virtual Reality

Fueled by an innate sense of creativity and ingenuity, Robert Bruski is leveraging it to build a wonderful world of entrepreneurship and innovation. He embodies outstanding performance driven by high-energy, intellectual curiosity, and project ownership, all the while striving for relentless high-quality results and first-class relationships.

As the CEO and Co-founder at Ctrl V, Robert is displaying an immaculate way of experiencing virtual reality. The company brings virtual reality to the masses with North America’s first and the world’s largest Virtual reality arcade. Ctrl V is helping entrepreneurs and small businesses, bringing them top-of-the-line equipment and a library of experiences that suit every desire and genre.

Let’s learn more about Robert, his history, and his vision for the coming years.

Copying the Information to the Cursor

Robert’s journey in business started quite young. It began from small entrepreneurial initiatives as a child to studying economics and business in school and even working in investment management. Robert learned that the difference between good and great businesses was always about growth and innovation. However, he reached a point where learning and experiencing business wasn’t enough. Leadership in the business world was the next step. So, having left the corporate world to try out a few ideas of his own, Robert was able to start the process of building a business and leading a team along the way. After a myriad of attempts, the opportunity to start Ctrl V alongside other business partners was presented. Robert shares, “From there, the rest is history, but not without the greatest challenge of all, which most entrepreneurs face, venturing into uncharted territory with the resilience to carry the risk on one’s shoulders.”

Impact in any niche is made through leadership. Robert explains, “You can funnel as much money, time, and resources into whatever you’re passionate about, but if you aren’t the one leading the way, then the resources may go to waste. Leadership in fashion can come from many different places and be disguised in many different ways. However, I believe that true fashion leadership is being able to live what you believe. What is critical to my impact on a fashion niche is being able to select something to wear that fits my tastes and styles and wearing it proudly and tastefully.” He adds, “This goes much further in terms of the impact that conveying ideas through fashion shows, advertisements, and impractical shows of spectacle. It’s simple, I know. But it works.”

Pasting it to Create a Useful Product

Ctrl V’s entire nature is to leverage virtual reality technology to solve problems. This may be something as simple as selling happiness through VR by providing compelling entertainment. But, the technology can also be used to teach school/educational programs, train professionals, alleviate health ailments, and even propel creativity. The goal at Ctrl V is to use the technology of virtual reality to contribute to the advancements of a variety of different industries.

Ctrl V became North America’s first and the world’s most extensive franchise system of virtual reality arcades. Robert shares, “Customers can visit our brick and mortar locations and experience the wonders of virtual reality together.” With a mission to bring virtual reality and immersive technology to the mass market, the company’s vision is to immerse as many people in the metaverse and get the population rolling forward in using virtual reality for a variety of other purposes outside of just entertainment.

The Future of Ctrl V

Robert shares that the most critical change that is needed in the virtual reality, augmented reality and technology industry is an increased focus on the end-user or the customer. Too many companies are focusing on innovation to create the next coolest thing or advance the industry forward from their perspective of where it needs to go. As technology innovators and pioneers, he focuses on the need to focus more heavily on the end-user, their needs, their wants, and their unsure areas. Robert says, “Otherwise, our energy will continue to go towards innovating for the sake of innovating only.”

Robert contemplates that the next massive change to the immersion industry will be the wider adoption of the metaverse. Web 3.0 will start playing a larger and larger part in people’s lives, and the most immersive way to access the metaverse and interact with Web 3.0 is through virtual reality. Ctrl V has several ideas that are being cooked up and tested to ride this wave.

Sharing his Learnings for the Younger Generation

“The Long Run” is a very subjective and challenging timeframe to describe and predict. But Robert shares his ideas, “And unfortunately, history of the most successful entrepreneurs has shown us that focusing on long-term goals, not only is futile in many cases, but it actually stunts innovation – if you’re going towards one larger long term goal, you miss the opportunity to innovate and create amazing things along the way. So as it stands, our goals as a team align with our individual professional goals, making immersive technology, like virtual reality, accessible to everyone by enabling people to become entrepreneurs and get into business for themselves through opening their own Ctrl V Virtual Reality Arcade.”

Regardless of which sector you’re venturing into, Robert advises the young generation to be prepared for the fact that real life doesn’t resemble the life in media, movies, and online influencers. He concludes, “The road isn’t filled with successes, accolades, and financial freedom. It may eventually get there, but the process is difficult, tough, and depends on resilience, grit, & moxie like you’ve never experienced before. It isn’t for the faint of heart and requires you to really love the journey more than the destination.”

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