Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business that adds some value to the world by solving some specific problems. Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. Entrepreneurship combined with land, labor, natural resources and capital can make a profit. Those who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk taking and is an essential part of a nation’s ability to succeed in constantly changing and increasingly competitive global market place.
Entrepreneurship in its truest form is about identifying a gap in the market and creating a product of use to fill that hole. Entrepreneurship is not solely about making money- it is about changing and enriching the lives for better. It is about improving people’s lives through creation of products or launching services that makes the lives of people easy. If one’s business does not add value to the lives of people then it is unlikely to survive. The business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs act as managers and oversee the launch and growth of an enterprise. Entrepreneurship is the process by which either an individual or a team identifies a business opportunity and acquires and deploys the necessary tools and resources required for its utilization.
Entrepreneurship is about being ready to go beyond the comfort zone. It is about defining success on one’s own terms and achieving it by one’s own process and methodology. It is about thinking outside the box or thinking like there is no box. True entrepreneurial spirit is about seeing challenges as opportunities.
Entrepreneurs should be able to shake off depression, laziness and should jump into the flowing stream of hard work and reach their dream. True Entrepreneurs understand that they can’t be great at everything they do, but they know that they can be great at something. They focus on that particular something in which they are good at with laser like focus and they are passionate to deliver the best solutions in their chosen work.
Entrepreneurs create something new, something different that solves some problems or adds value to the world. An entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation.
Entrepreneurial journey is not always so easy. As Elon Musk Quotes “Being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and staring into the abyss of death.” Many people experience entrepreneurial journey as a rollercoaster ride filed with challenges and opportunities; ups and downs. Entrepreneurship is about perseverance through all such ups and downs. The journey may be filled with crest and troughs but the journey is worth taking.
Entrepreneurs understand that seduction of safety is much more dangerous than the perception of the risk. Therefore they take calculated risks based on market trends and market estimation. Where common people see the problems entrepreneurs see the opportunities. Entrepreneurs are driven to create solutions to those problems. Entrepreneurs are not the part of problems but entrepreneurs are people who want to be part of the solution to those problems. Entrepreneurs are innately programed to create solutions to the existing problems.
Entrepreneurs roll up their sleeves every day and work hard to create solutions to the existing problems in the world in order to make profit as well as to enrich the lives of people. They are in the game to make a difference and impact in the lives of people through offering solutions to some of the biggest problems. Money is secondary to them but making valuable contribution and adding value to the world is what they focus on.
They understand that money is just a byproduct of serving as many people as possible with full efficiency. Entrepreneurs plan their work and work their plan. Successful entrepreneurship requires entrepreneurs who take conscious, systematic, logical and thoughtful decisions. It is about thinking deliberately and acting on the conclusion of logical thought process.
Great entrepreneurs have the ability to think decisively even in indecisive environment also. Their conscience and intuition helps them to come up with some solutions that add glory to their business. Successful entrepreneurs are also very cautious of making use of the latest technology for creating more profitable solutions. They know how to leverage everything to create glorious business that adds value to the larger portion of the world.
Entrepreneurs are here to make a valuable contribution to the world through their words and worthy actions; they just don’t want to occupy the space in the universe. Entrepreneurs believe in making world a better place by creating something that customizes the lives of people for better.
Greta entrepreneurs walk their talk and talk their walk. Their lips and lives both make difference in the lives of people. They know that world rewards those who press on. Entrepreneurship is about paying the price of dedication, commitment, sacrifices, hard work and putting heart and soul into the business to create something different that makes lives of people easier. The words and actions of great entrepreneurs show that they know where they are going and the world has the habit of making room for such people.
Entrepreneurship is about knowing the way, going the way and showing the way. Entrepreneurs lead by example. They use all the resources they have to make larger contribution to the world. They think of changing the world through their skills, abilities, talents and making optimum utilization of all the resources they have. Entrepreneurs build a strong network of people in their organization.
The great entrepreneurs understand that one’s network determines one’s net worth. Therefore they choose smart and pragmatic people around them that are having the ability to come up with solutions to some of the toughest problems. They are very cautious of people they associate with. Entrepreneurship is about building bridges of success instead of creating barriers to opportunity. It is about having talented people on-board to come up with great idea and to implement that idea to make a tangible difference in the lives of people.