
Delliotte declares Permanent work from home

Delliotte declares Permanent work from home

Deloitte, a leading accounting and consulting company worldwide has permitted its employees to permanently work from home.

It has shut down four offices asking 500 of its staff to work from home permanently. What started with the Covid-19 as a safety measure to keep employees from falling ill and spreading the virus has been found to be of use to be used indefinity. It may seem a step in the right direction when you factor in the travelling time, office expenses and related fatigues. There ought to be more instances where organizations do a study, find its efficacy and change tracks to something that suits everyone’s needs while taking care of organizational objectives, efficiency and profitability.

The four offices in the UK that are being closed include Gatwick, Liverpool, Nottingham, and Southampton which had a total of 500 employees. Says, Stephen Griggs, Deloitte’s UK managing partner, “COVID-19 fast-tracked our future of work from home programme leading us to review our real estate portfolio. Any proposed change is to our ‘bricks and mortar,’ not our presence in these regions.”

What it means is that changes shall apply only to “brick and mortar” presence and not presence itself with the same employees now working for the organization under home contracts. This step comes on the back of an announcement in April this year of Deloitte shaving off 20% from the pay to its partners in its UK operations. Photo by Wouter Beijert on Unsplash

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