
B2B eCommerce Trends in 2021

B2B eCommerce Trends

B2B eCommerce Trends in 2021

As we all have bid farewell to 2020, the most gruesome year in history. However, we’re still living with the horrific disease and honestly we’re used to it.

On the other end of the spectrum, 2020 was a noteworthy year for B2B marketers. Markets were shut down and people were restricted to their homes. Wholesale distributors took this as a great opportunity and took their brick-and-mortar business to an eCommerce platform.

This opened doors of success on many B2B marketers. Today, hundreds of thousands of B2B businesses are being digitized to generate more revenues. People are no more hesitant to take their business on an eCommerce platform because it’s highly beneficial in nature.

Certain predictions are made regarding the upcoming trends for Business-to-Business eCommerce. Every B2B eCommerce marketer should follow them in order to reach the pinnacles.

Without any further ado, let’s checkout the latest B2B eCommerce Trends of 2021.

Transparency is the key to success

Transparency is essential these days to maintain. When businesses are going online in 2021, it’s difficult to figure out what’s genuine and what’s fake.

In olden days, B2B buyers had more opportunities to turn the prospects approaching them into loyal customers via face-to-face interactions. It was much easier for visitors to inspect products with bare eyes and to decide whether they should purchase products from that brand or not.

Since the B2B business is digitized, the communication is also done virtually. It also becomes difficult for customers to trust brands and purchase products from them. For this reason, transparency has become key for digital success.

Buyers want to see transparency in product quality and pricing. They only purchase from brands who keep product pricing and quality transparent enough for customers so they have good shopping experience.

This is that one trend which a B2B marketer should never compromise on.

Personalized shopping experience

Personalizing your customer’s shopping journey is equally essential. This trend has been dominating the B2B eCommerce market since a decade. B2B buyers are not regular people who’re just shopping for fun.

They shop because it’s actually part of their job. 1 out of 3 B2B buyers always prefer to shop from those brands who provide a personalized shopping experience by offering features including, predictive ordering functionality, customized product catalogues, one-click ordering Artificial Intelligence, and many more.

Business organizations who invest in tools like data collection software, and enterprise resource planning software can glass-case their products in a distinctive way to allure customers and motivate them to buy from them.

eCommerce businesses who offer personalized shopping experiences to their customers have seen a 15% boost in their sales conversion rate.

Buyers want more payment methods

No matter if you’re a B2B or B2C marketer, customers want easy and seamless payment methods. Since B2B shoppers are busy people who have to deal with a lot of things simultaneously so you need to make your payments processes very seamless.

Adding multiple payment gateways can improve the sales conversion rate of your eCommerce store by 71%.

The more flexible and personalized experience you offer to your B2B buyers, the more revenue your eCommerce store will generate.

As 2021 has already started, you need to reevaluate your payment gateways and optimize them accordingly.

Agile Methodology

2020 was a lesson learning year for everyone. One thing which all of us learned is life is unpredictable. We don’t know when things can collapse so we need to be a little prepared for the future always.

After the pandemic a lot of things have changed in the business world. B2B marketers must be flexible enough to adjust to the situations and adapt new trends and make new methodologies to keep your business on track.

Agile methodology is the new B2B Trends that every B2B marketer is adopting to sustain their business in such a chaotic situation. It works well with collaborative communication tactics. It permits businesses and their team to make quick decisions while fulfilling the needs of their customers.

If any trend that is keeping B2B business on track is agile methodology. Nowadays companies are highly following this new B2B trend to sustain their business in pandemic.

Quick order fulfillment with fast delivery

There is no room for any lag in the digital market. Buyers want quick orders and speedy delivery.

Like B2C customers, B2B customers expect amazing customer services. Since they’re professionals they never compromise on customer services. They expect the same level of convenience and facilities they get when they’re shopping for themselves.

Most customers expect their orders to get delivered on the same day of order placement. For this purpose, we recommend B2B marketers to offer fast delivery service to their buyers to offer them an amazing shopping experience.

Offer a unique user experience

Another famous trend that is dominating the eCommerce market is offering an outstanding user experience to your customers. 85% shoppers only prefer to shop from those brands who provide personalized customer experience.

If you want to turn your visitors into potential customers, every B2B eCommerce Store must offer something out-of-the-box to improve user experience.

Communication is a powerful key to success. Always try to communicate with your customer, answer their queries as soon as possible, and provide all the information regarding your product which they should know.


B2B buyers strongly believe in self-service. This means these are those people who properly research on their own before contacting any business to buy their products or services.

They conduct proper research. They gather all the relevant information before contacting the sales representatives. This quality of B2B buyers can be used as a great opportunity by B2B marketers if they know how to unleash the true power of it.

It frees up your staff precious time and also improves sales conversion rate. Being a B2B company all you need to do is to provide detailed information regarding your brand, products and services.

Don’t even think of missing a single element that can motivate buyers to purchase from your brand. Add tools like ‘request quote, or ‘custom ordering options’ so they can check products according to their budget.

Wrap Up

Indeed 2020 was a troublesome year for everyone. However It was an amazing year for B2B eCommerce and we believe 2021 will also turn out as a notable year for B2B marketers if they follow all the trends religiously.

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