
5 Tips for Setting Up Your Business Website

A website is absolutely essential in this day and age. In fact, according to a study by Blue Corona, 80% of customers will look up a business online before visiting. Unfortunately, however, approximately 36% of businesses still don’t have one.

If your business is counted among that percentage, you’re in luck. Below, we’ve compiled some tips on how to make setting up your business website as painless as possible.

1. Find an Appropriate Domain

A domain is simply another term for a website name, and it’s a crucial element for modern businesses. Forbes calls it The Name Game because the domain is the center of your online branding. It’s what your customers will read when they click and enter into your website, so good first impressions are vital. Here are some pointers to consider when choosing a domain name:

  • Do your research: Be sure to check if your preferred domain name is still available. If not, you’ll need to find one that is.
  • Easy to remember: Keep the name catchy, and memorable.
  • Easy to spell: Try not to get too complicated with the spelling, especially if you want customers to remember you.
  • Keep it short: Long website names are hard to remember, so the shorter and simpler, the better.

2. Focus on User Experience

In this digital age, simply having a website is not enough to spell success. Your website must be easy to navigate and be hosted on a user-friendly platform. It should have practical information, useful links, and a search box for customers to type into. Inclusion of other details like your customer service information and FAQs is also important for users and potential clients.

It can help to use a website builder. A post on ‘Why is Shopify Popular?’ by AskMoney explains that the platform contains a huge range of business tools that can be particularly useful for e-commerce businesses. Its analytics platforms can show business owners their store’s daily performance, complete with reports on website visitors. Businesses that focus on services can try Squarespace, an easy and intuitive drag-and-drop website builder that requires zero coding knowledge. Like Shopify, Squarespace also contains marketing and sales extensions.

3. Consult with SEO Experts

Modern search engine algorithms will take the quality of your web interface into consideration when determining how well your website should rank. Factors like mobile responsiveness and page speed now play a huge role in search engine optimization (SEO). To ensure your website can keep up with new trends in SEO, it can help to consult experts.

Our short How to Select SEO Firms guide recommends scheduling free consultations with prospective SEO firms. Get to know them, where their specialties lie, and what their past results looked like. Make sure to do thorough research on each firm before consulting. Case studies on their website might show you whether their firm has helped websites with UX-related SEO issues.

4. Invest in Cybersecurity Solutions

As a business owner making the shift to online, it is crucial that you keep your business and your customers’ data safe. The New York Times reports that cyber-attacks are increasingly targeting small businesses. A hacked online database could result in losing valuable information, which could compromise the entire business. Setting up a website includes investing in quality cyber solutions, such as setting up a strong firewall, using a password manager, and hiring experts.

Going Digital

Setting up a business online can be tedious, especially if you’re new to the game. However, by following the steps laid out in this article, you’ll find that going digital isn’t as hard as it seems. Building an online presence can be a powerful business tool, and definitely worth the time and investment.

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